
It’s tough being a creative person in these kinds of economic times. Truth be told, it’s probably tough to be just about anyone. But being a creative person looking for a career myself, it dawns on me that I’m kind of screwed as far as finding something I would *love* to do. This is me brainstorming on jobs I’d love to do and/or think I could be good at: novelist, travel writer, party planner, interior designer, wedding planner, creative writing teacher, poet, greeting card creator, etc. Not one of these occupations is something the world *has* to have. What’s a creative girl to do?

It dawned on me the other morning, while lying in bed trying to go back to sleep as it was 6:30 on a saturday, that I’m one of only a few of my friends who doesn’t have a
career. And that started to bother me. It’s not like I’m a slacker. I’ve worked since I was 15, and in the 17 years since then I’ve spent well more than half of them working at least two jobs. Did I make bad choices or is it just that I feel unwilling to settle for something I don’t love? And then, along those lines, is it irresponsible of me, at the age of 32, to not have settled into a career by now? I mean really, how many people out there LOVE what they do?

This post is not intended to sound negative, but rather contemplative. Where is that magic wand that automatically turns me into a bestselling author anyway? ;o) Ah, nevermind then. Good thing I have the winninglottery ticket in my wallet. Who needs to get paid for writing when you’re already a multi millionaire? Do it for love.

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