You’re Never Too Old for a Girlfriend Slumber Party (Part 1)

Remember the days of junior high and high school? There was always some cute guy to gossip about, a scary movie to be watched, a few rounds of truth or dare to be played. Slumber parties became an outlet for girls to get together and form life-long bonds of friendship and sometimes conspiracy, depending on the truths revealed and dares performed. They were both light-hearted and fun and fraught with teenage angst and excitement.

Then, we moved on to college and, if we were lucky enough to get along really well with our roommates, almost any night could turn into a slumber party. Gossip, movies and truth or dare often survived the transition to college, too, only to be joined by alcohol-infused confessions during “I Never,” and maybe a boy or three.

Sadly, college graduation seems to bring with it the extinction of the slumber party until we have children of our own old enough to continue the tradition, and I think it’s about time we cry foul. Instead, I say, “Save the Slumber Party!” Last year, I did just that. For my 31st birthday, I kicked my significant other out of the house and invited my eight best girlfriends over to spend the night. Instead of birthday cake, we built a sundae bar. Instead of hot cocoa, we drank coffee spiked with Bailey’s Irish Cream or Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur. Everyone brought pillows, sleeping bags and air mattresses. I made french toast casserole for everyone for breakfast the next morning.

And, not surprisingly, it was one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had. When you get together with a bunch of your best girls, there’s no end to amount of fun to be had. Who knows, you might just start a new tradition.

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