
Last week’s PoeMondaY poem was longer and filled with gorgeous imagery, but short poetry can be just as captivating. Today, I present one of my favorite short poems, this one by Gregory Orr. I’d love to hear your thoughts! To Be Alive To be alive: not just the carcass But the spark. That’s crudely put, […]


Look! It’s PoeMondaY again! One of the things I was most blessed with during my post-secondary education was the opportunity to have some really amazing mentors. Each of them played a significant role in teaching, inspiring, shaping, and encouraging me in my writing and in my career path. Not too long ago, I was tickled […]


I saw this link posted to the SDSU MFA Program group I’m a member of on fb and found it to be extremely relevant to my current situation. One of the things I wanted to accomplish this summer was sending my poetry back out into the world after a long hiatus in hopes of getting […]


Hello, and welcome to PoeMondaY! Ok, so I admit the title of my new weekly feature is a bit cheesy, but what can I say? I love cheese, whether it be in food, wordplay, or pun form! My hope is to share something new every Monday in the realm of poetry. These shares are things […]


Just a quick note to say I’m super excited for the opportunity to work on my website, novel, artwork and other fun stuff this summer! Big changes are in progress for the website, I’m taking an online novel-writing class to help me delve back into my work in progress, and I’m working on a few other things […]