Making New Friends

As the saying goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, and the other’s gold.” My old friends are certainly the gold in my life. Many of them are the wives of the guys I went to college with, and their friends, by extension. I think it’s wonderful, and wonderfully lucky, that […]

How to Eat Sushi with Friends

Sure, eating sushi can be a romantic experience. It has something to do with the sensual silkiness of the fish, the concentration and tactile coordination required to manipulate the chop sticks to dip the sweet morsels into salty soy sauce, the spiciness of the wasabi. Not to mention different kinds of seafood are often considered […]

Happy Hour of the Week

Who doesn’t love a happy hour? Happy hours are a nice way to meet up with friends and blow off steam after a long workday. In this weekly feature, I’ll be visiting establishments around San Diego County and reporting back with the goods on their happy hour offerings. In particular, I’ll be looking at atmosphere, […]


A warm breeze through open windows, wind chimes tinkling in the stirring breeze, the smell and sound of steaks sizzling on the grill (oh, how I love cooking out), a palm tree thrust into the bright blue sky, a really good book, blanket and pillow on the lawn while absorbing the sun, a brief nap […]